Monday, September 12, 2011

SGD Day 8

In: 305 (out of 400)
Out: 450
Net: - 105 calories

Today was awesome. Morning weight was 72.1, I finished my paper, I called the doctor and made an appointment and J came over for coffee. Ate an apple at.. 4, one ricecake at 8 and a cracker and fishballs like 10 minutes ago. I'm soooo full right now. But "nice" full because it was a really healthy meal and I was superhungry. Went walking with J for over an hour at 8 pm. She wants to lose weight and is asking me for tips and such. She told me she's worried about me though.. Told her I'll eat normal when I've lost the rest of my weight, I think it calmed her down.

I ordered proteinshakes like.. friday and they sent them today. I hope I get them tomorrow. I think I'll start having them as lunch (and sometimes dinner) because I need them when working out and they are about 100 calories each. I hope they're not disgusting, lol..

Got the makeup I ordered from ELF today. Yay! J liked it so much that she ordered some herself. Cant wait to do my makeup :)

I tried P's jeans like 2 weeks ago and could barely button them. I tried them again yesterday and they fit perfectly. Just wanted to let you know!

1 comment:

  1. I dislike it when people ask me for tips on how to lose weight. I feel such an hypocrite when I tell them how to do it healthy.

    Yay for fitting into P's jeans though. :) x
