Tuesday, September 20, 2011

SGD Day 16

In: 780 (out of 300)
Out: 600
Net: 179
J asked me if I wanted to stay for dinner and like 3 seconds later P texted me and told me he was working late. So I caved and had mashed potatoes and sausage.. 780 calories (because it was with bread and some shrimpthing too). Well, net is okay anyway. Went for a 50 minute walk with J and after dinner we went for another one for 30 minutes with her boyfriend. It rained both times, and when we split I did a 5 minute run home. Realised I love running in the rain. I hope it rains tomorrow, so I can skip the gym and just go for a run. I was thinking of doing an extra mile or so before I went inside, but I decided not to. Because it was 8pm.

Now I'll go get me some Coke Zero and Reply to comments/read your blogs.

I'M IN THE BEST FUCKING MOOD EVER TODAY. Even though I ate a fucking ton. Morning weight was 71.0 by the way. I hope I hope I hope it's less tomorrow (71,5 right now, but I ate less than 2 hours ago).


  1. haha ^^ I am loving this mood of yours .. ttly cheers me up ^^

    You know what.. This post is soo <3 I am actually motivated to do what I have ALWAYS said I will and have not- and put on my jogging shoes and do my first day of the couchto5k!

    thanks <3

  2. Yay for super good moods! I love them. :)

    Running in the rain is pure love! It is so much better than going to the gym. xx

  3. Yay! I love the mood!
    ^__^ and thanks. *blushes* I'm just shocked I'm still doing well! Normally I would've binged or caved in or something...but then again, I'm too busy for that these last few days. I keep telling myself "I'll eat something when I'm done with __ and ___ and ___" and that seems to work just fine :D for now.
    The exercise still manages to make me go gleeful even though you did claim many claims - still amazes me. And no, I don't think I can without seeming suspicious. My Father already thinks I've got odd eating habits and even went as far as asking me about anorexia. My Mother had this suspicion not long before and I was exercising at that point. Even if I do work out secretly, not only will I get obsessive (obsessive exercising for me usually means weight gain instead of loss), but also, I will not be consistent. And if I was consistent, I'd waste a lot of time. I do go walking a lot though. That's relaxing. I do 2-4 walks per day. Sometimes 5-6 depending on my mood, but I hardly call that exercise because it's something I like doing :).
    70 soon and then 69...! can't wait to see you break in :D
