Sunday, September 4, 2011


I'm back. Even back on track. Scale said 73.9 this morning = almost a kg gain since friday morning. 2000 calories yesterday. Today I wont eat that much and tomorrow I'm starting the SGD. My parents are coming over for coffee tomorrow, and I "have" to offer them cookies or something, but I'm home all day monday (study day) so I'm thinking of baking something low-cal before they get here.

A while ago I told you that my mom said I didn't need to lose anymore weight. Yesterday she said I could stand losing like 5 kgs. I know it's true but it feels a lot better when people tells you to stop lose weight, because that's sort of a compliment. When my mom was my age she bought a couple of leather pants, size 38. I'm sort of between a size 40 and 38 so I could not button them when I tried them yesterday. Mom say "lose 5 kg, so you can button them". She asked me how long it would take, I said 5-weekish maybe and then she said I should try them again on my birthday (11th of October). Well, it gave me a new goal (since I now fit into all my "not fat" clothes).

I need to lose this fat. Fuck.

1 comment:

  1. I am thinking about doing the HSGD from Monday.. Think its good to start them on Mnday so the "high calorie" days fall on the weekend.

    Yu will get rid of the rest of the fat. DW.. Just look at how far you have reached :) You will get rid of the rest too..
