Friday, September 2, 2011

I ate pizza like 6 hours ago, and I can still taste it.

73.1. 2 pieces of bread with tomato and onion (120), 1/4 of a pizza(530!!?!?!?!?!?) and 10 hours later it's still 73.1. I could shit my pants, that's how scared I am about eating anything else today. Fuck.. Went to the liquerstore with J and afterwards she wanted pizza. She wanted us to share because of how boring she thinks it is to eat alone. First I said no, but after a minute of her trying to convince me, I caved.. I only ate a little more than half of my share, gave the rest to her. I hate myself for eating a fatty pizza, but I cant help to be proud at the same time. I didn't binge. I were eating slow, and then I decided it was enough. It's like the first time I dont shove the binge-type-of-food right down my throat. I chewed.

Didn't binge yesterday. Had 290 calories. My body's all sore from the 1,5 hour at the gym yesterday. Burned 850. Tomorrow will be a fatty day. I'm going to visit my mom, she'll do lunch and probably some snacks too.. Ugh.. I wont eat anything else and try not to overeat.

By the way.. Today I saw on Facebook (!!?!?!?!) that one of my closest male friends is having a baby with his girlfriend! We haven't been talking that much lately (I got school and he got work) but I'm sort of.. offended that he didn't tell me and I had to found out on HER wall while snooping around. She's 7 months pregnant too, so it's not even news! And hey, she's only one year older than me. I'm a little jealous, but I cant have a baby right now. Dont really want to either.. They're just SO cute!

I guess pizza didn't build that body..

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