Friday, September 16, 2011

SGD Day 12

In: 97 (so far and out of 450)
Out: 670 (so far)
Net: - 573
This leaves me 1023 calories to "play with" tonight. I'm walking to and from J later = another 200 calories? Have to go to the store before I get there.

After out 1,5 hours at the gym we got back to her place for coffee. I wasn't really hungry and I managed to not eat while she did (told her I would eat later and wanted my shake first). But when I was going to drive her down town at 2 pm I started to feel very sick. I thought I was going to puke and reeeeeally needed to go to the bathroom. Drank a little water and felt a lot better but it was still so freaky when I was driving.. My legs kept shaking like CRAZY and it was really hard to drive. I'm driving stick so I had to use my legs a lot too.. But I managed to get home safe and drank my shake. Started too feel sick again so I had to lay down. Now, an hour later, I feel a lot better. I think my body has absored all the nourishment in the shake, giving me energy again. Still a little cold though.

I'm really hungry and I guess it's because it's "my time of the month" soon (even though I already bleed..). Not craving chocolate yet. I'm thinking of making a stuffed paprika for dinner, with a salad. It's pretty low cal and I sort of crave it since that's what J made for lunch.

I better hit the shower while I feel okay. Have a lovely friday girls! Make good decisions and enyoj yourselfs, because you are absolutly amazing!


  1. Mmm.. Stuffed paprika.. I should try that :) What do you stuff them with?

  2. You're doing so well. *____*
    I'm hoping you feel better now, darling!
    I can't exercise anymore without rising suspicion. My Father is following me like a hawk and whilst my Mother encourages it, I cannot seem to think that my Father will not let it go if I suddenly hop on the treadmill.
    I'm joining you in the SGD. At least I can know a bit of your pain there! Can't really with workouts and all...but...hey! Still feeling a bit, hmm? :)
    Have a good Friday! And enjoy the weekend! *mine ended*. Gah.

  3. har du prövd Arla kesella lätt 1%?? det er sykt godt replacement for yoghurt - cream fresh- både til koking og kald spising.. Ha det som dip eller hva som helst egentlig..

    jeg liker å ta en halv boks (125 gr) også ta i en eller 2 teskje med funlight og ha det som mellom måltid- man får ca 94 kalorier og MASSE protein og ca 1gr fett... Og jeg har for meg at det kan väre super godt å blande det med bär og fryse det også ^^

    Tenkte at det kanskje var noe for deg når du begrenser maten og vil ha noe med lite fett og mye proteiner :)
