Monday, September 26, 2011

SGD Day 21

In: 1800 (out of 700)
Out: 100
Net: 1700
OMG. Scale say 70.8kg today and yeah.. I feel like shit even though I KNOW it's mostly water, sodium and disgusting food in my body. Today is a new day and I'm allowed 400 calories. I'm walking to and home from my class today (cant go to the gym because of my stupid armpits..) and I wont eat more than 400. Coffee for breakfast and an apple for lunch.

Ugh. My stomach hurts so bad.. I just went in to the bathroom but it didn't help. Things still need to get out. And I have class and have too leave in like 5 minutes. Fuck.Well.. Need to go. I'll give you on info on the day (22) later tonight.

Let's do great today!

1 comment:

  1. Bitchfight and stuff... On the bright side that burns calories hehehe ^^

    Hope you feel better soon :) Drink loads of water to cleanse your body :)

