Sunday, September 18, 2011

SGD Day 14

Okay.. Today I fuuuuucked up. Calorie limit was 700 and I had more than double that. Burned only like 100 calories.. Feel like shit.

I had lost weight though. Tried my oms leatherpants again and I could button them if I sucked my stomach in for all I'm worth (2 weeks ago it was like 5 cm left).

Relatives expressed concerns. "Dont get to skinny", "slow down", "are you eating enough". WTF?! I'm not even near skinny yet and I'm nowhere near a low BMI. "standard weight" for my height is 69 kg. I'm like 71 kg (72.3 right now..) and can even lose 10 more without being underweight.. Ugh.. Are people blind?

guess thats when I lost it too.. And ate. Too show them I'm not afraid of calories. Too show them I'm not always dieting. Too show them I'm healthy and normal.


  1. *nodnod* I know what you mean! At 66kg before, my Father told me that was 'ideal' when my the largest weight I could be whilst being in normal range was 64!
    Woot for able to button leather pants! :)
    Don't worry about it. You've been sticking for the week and so days. Two or even three more days won't really hinder your progress. You'll drop that water weight up in no time!

  2. I think the "ideal" can differ.. I mean if you look at the African culture- the fatter you are the more "sexy" you are.. Then we have the Asian, where they need to tiny and blond to be "hot" and so on..

    I think the feeling skinny doesn't come from the number on the scale but from what you feel in your own skinn.. And srsly- if you feel like you want for lose 12 kg more- then do it.. Just make sure you stay healthy and don't regret the choices you make

