Monday, September 26, 2011

SGD Day 22

In: 375 (out of 400)
Out: 300
Net: 75
Oh my god I'm SOO hungry! I could just eat and eat and eat but I wont. I've had an apple, 2 crackers, a salad with mushrooms, 2 meatballs and a ricecake today and that's enough. Craving the diet ice cream but no way. I've promised myself to stick to the calorie amount and I need to stick too it. Dont know what's up with me, it's like I've lost motivation.. I hope I get back on track soon because I know that this is what I want. Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels. Walked to school and turned down when a girl in my class asked if I wanted a ride home (she lives like 2 houses away).

P's invited to a conference in the US in november. Vegas. I wish I could go with him, but I'm only turning 20 in like 2 weeks, so I cant really do anything over there.. That really sucks. Like REALLY sucks. Guess we can go someday when I'm 21. STILL sucks.

300 calories tomorrow.


  1. I know what you mean about the hunger. Really do. xD. Obviously. I'm trying to eat as much veggies as possible but still, my body is like "FEED ME" every second. You're so close to finishing the SGD! Oh my! *excited*
    From that intake, I can guess why you're hungry. When I look back at what I eat, I'm like: ...that actually doesn't sound like very much and at the moment, I adore that reflection! I used to think I ate a ton!
    Damn! It must suck! D;
    Gah. The dreaded 300 day. I'm in the 400's today, so that's a relief. Good luck!

  2. Maybe you should add more protein to keep you fuller - longer. Those protein shakes are pretty filling and with all the work out you are doing- your body probably needs and craves the protein.

    But all in all I think you are doing a great job. Don't lose motivation.. You can do it.. And guess what.. you ARE doing it.. <3
