Thursday, September 8, 2011

SGD Day 4

Shitty day today. Like, really shitty. Weather sucked but I took my bike anyway (I'm fucking impressed by myself) and I got an headache on my way too uni. Were there for like an hour when we were finished and got to F's place with an even worse headache. Took an asprin, didn't help. Hung out with her, went for a mini walk and played with her kids. When I was on my way home my headache got so bad I thought I was going to faint. Had to stop and take it easy for a while.. Ugh. Still got a headache but it've gotten a little better.

Because her mom make like the best food ever I ate while I was there (and because of the headache). 670 calories to be exact. Burned 370 from walking/biking which gives me a net of 300. As long as my net is less than the calorie limit I'm satisfied (500 today). But I wont eat anything else today. Tomorrow me and P are going out for dinner and watching a movie at the cinema = A LOT more than 450 calories even if i try to restrict my eating. I will spend like 2 hours at the gym in the morning to make my net as low as possible.

Positive thing! Woke up and scale said 72.3 which means exactly an 25 kg loss since I started dieting on the 15th of march this year. Yey!


  1. Congrats! I love when you have a perfectly round loss. So you don't have to be like I lost 17.4 pounds, you can just say 20!

    Keep up the great work!

  2. Super impressive! Congrats on the loss! Keep it up grrrrl!

  3. wow, 25 kg since March is amazing :) Yaay idd ^^ <3

  4. Ikke tenk så mye på det :) Du går ned igjen :) En dag og en kilo av gangen eller hur?

  5. 25 kg? you're my hero. <3 good job :D
