Wednesday, September 28, 2011

SGD Day 24

In: 475 (out of 450)
Out: 375
Net: 100

Great day. Coffee and water all day and an 1 hour walk. Made spagetti bolognese (spelling?) for dinner (and had 25 calories more than allowed) and it was SO good. I've been craving it for a couple of days and I decided to make it today. Don't regret it, but I guess it's because my scale told me 69.6 even though I fucked up yesterday. 25 calories wont kill me. And I try to think that they came from veggies, because I had a lot of them too. It feels a lot better today. Motivation's sneaking back, I just have too keep my eyes on the goal. Like 9 kgs left.

Do you ever get scared? 'cause I am.. When I reach my goal, when I'm all satisfied with my body, then what? I know I'll have to maintain and shit but it still scares me. Too see that loss everyday has been my entire world for these last 6 months. I dont want to quit. Maybe that's why these last few days sucked, I might be trying to ruin it for myself? I dont know..


  1. Great job with your intake and outtake. 25 calories over isn't a big deal. Especially since you burned off a lot. And it's good to have the foods you are craving sometimes. Satisfy the cravings before it leads to a binge.

  2. :)
    Awesome intake/outtake. Whereas the outtake never fails to amaze me to no end, as always because I'm a lazy little one so whenever I see people have a large outtake, I'm just staring at them like "how do you do it?"
    69.6! That's so great! :) <3
    9kg! You're so lucky. My goal is so far out of reach I'm barely reaching it. It's a nice little 40kg. Maybe even a tiny bit lower than that. Depends.
    Yeah. I get scared too. I'm confused. Sometimes, when I get there, I'll think - just lose a bit more. Or when I get there, I'll think - please, just get into treatment or some other weird thought, but I feel like maintaining is not some sort of option...we'll see when we get there.
