Wednesday, August 31, 2011


No update yesterday so here's for catching up:
Monday went almost like I planned, hade a sandwich too which got my intake to 250 calories.
Tuesday appeared without a loss. Hade 500 calories with a 250 calorie "workout". Had too study and hung out with J for 3 hours, watched a movie with P.

Today the scale said a 0.4 kg loss (I'm back to 74 kg) and I actually did an actual work out. Did it at home so I dont really know the calories burned, but I guess it's like 250. I know it's really great for my metabolism so I keep my fingers crossed for another loss tomorrow. It should come true because all I've shoved inside my mouth yet is water and it's 2 pm. Thinking a cup a soup (50 cals) tonight before we're going groceryshopping (=burn some more calories).

Tomorrow I have class at 1 pm so I'll move my but to the gym before it. Have to study some more (have been doing that all morning) so I got the time. That will be fine. I know I wont have the time/energy to go to the gym everyday now when I'm back at school, not every week anyway, but I've made a promise to myself to at least go once a week. This week has been horrible, but I'll try to make the next one better.

Maybe I should put some coffee on and hit the shower before getting back into schoolwork. I'll read and comment your blogs later.

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