Wednesday, August 24, 2011

todays plan

I ended up having almost 800 calories yesterday.. Felt bad because the 300 cals I had in the evening were all from snacking. 1 candybar (108), 4 fibrechips (92) and 2 plums (61).. I'm disgusting. Still a loss this morning, anyway. Scale say 75.0 kg, and I cant even remember when i weighed this "little" the last time. I was like 75.5 when P and I met 2 years ago, but I had more muscles so I were skinnier.

Going out for lunch with my mom today, dont know where we'll eat yet. I had 2 eggwhites (75) for breakfast so the intake will be okay. My body's all sore so I wont go to the gym today, I'll just take the ~30 min walk to my moms job and back home again as todays work out. I'm also cleaning and doing laundry tonight.


  1. Good job! And 800 calories is not too bad and you still lost weight. Maybe tomorrow I’ll be in the 74’s = exciting. Have fun at lunch!

  2. Gz on 75 hon, :) Have fun at lunch with your mom
