Tuesday, August 9, 2011


I've lost 0.6 kg since yesterday, wohoo! I only have 0.3 kg till I'm down 20 kgs, do I even have to tell you I'm happy? I'm thinking of posting a "before" and "during" picture, so you can see my progress now when I'm halfway there. I only have too see what the new pic looks like next week, haha.

I'm starting to recover from my cold. I hope to get back to the gym next week.

And there was something else I was about to tell you, but I forgot what it was, haha!


  1. awesome! whenever you weigh in, i feel like hopping on my extremely disappointing scale. i'd love to see this!
    congrats on the great loss! 0.6kg isn't little!
    tell us when you remember! ;)
    <3 <3 <3
    have a great day, sweetheart!

  2. nice, you're doing great! You should definitely post some pictures, I can't wait to see them. Still it's crazy that you have lost almost 20 kg!!

  3. Congrats on the loss! :) I'm super happy for you.
