Thursday, August 25, 2011

Discipline is remembering what you want

I just got back from the gym. Burned 500 calories. Scale said 74.7 kg before I left. Only 4.8 kg until I reach one of my goal weights, I will probaby cry when I go below 70. I've eaten 35 calories from the 1 dl yoghurt I had for breakfast. Planning on having some magical nudles for lunch and maybe having some of them for dinner (14 cal/100 g) if I'm hungry. I want to stay below 500, would be awesome with a net that's -.

Yesterday went awesome. I notied I said my breakfast was 75 calories, but it was 75 GRAMS and 39 calories. Lunch was ~350 calories and that was all I ate. Burned a little more than 300 from walking/riding my bike and a little more from vacuming the apartment (+doing the laundry). Mom and I decided to have salad for lunch which is awesome, and I ate about half before I was full. On salad for god's sake.

My mom asked about my weight, said I wasn't fat and that I didn't need to lose anymore. Told her I wasn't satisfied yet and she was all "Oh, lose a couple more and you'll be fine". Told her I want to get below 70. Told P I want to get below 70. When I've lost 5 more kgs I have to start sneeking. Pretending to eat a lot more than I do, cause people is starting to get worried. 70 means a BMI of 22, and the "optimal" weight for my height so I can get away with that. I want to get down to 60 which is a BMI of 19, and the lowest I should weigh to still be in a "healthy" BMI. I think I want to be somewhere between 60 and 65, but I just have to see what my body looks like.

I want to be able to do that. I'm on my way. My legs no longer rub together when I run. 


  1. Ooohh.. The pleasure of not having the legs not rub against each other when you run.. Can not wait to feel the same.. Gj :)

    what sort of noodles are those? Do you have the name of the brand? where did you get them?

  2. The 74's? That is so great! And I’m happy to hear that I helped :D Those noodles sound awesome!
