Friday, August 19, 2011

falling down to get up

I was to ashamed to post when I got home yesterday.. 1500 calories. 2 meals and A LOT of sweets.. I was at my grandma's and she is really nice and all but ALWAYS keep shoving food inside everyone.. And I only walked off like 200 calories, but the scale yesterday says 76.2, same number as yesterday morning. I do not have to panic or even feel bad, I only have to make today better.. I wont eat all day, and have a little melon tonight as a snack/dinner thing. And maybe a carrot too, if I get too hungry.

I'm about to take my vitamins and pills, get dressed and go to the gym. I'll take my car because the weather's really shitty, and I'm visiting F when I'm done working out. She lives on the other side of town and do not want to ride my bike in the rain, especially when I've just been sick.

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