Saturday, July 30, 2011


Sorry for not posting in a few days.. I've done horrible. Ate more sweets than I promised myself on thursday, and yesterday was a mess to.. Losing 0.1 kgs everyday for 3 days. Better than nothing? Definetly better than a gain! Today's the wedding which means I'm about to eat a shitload. Do I even have to tell you I'm not eating anything until the wedding-dinner?

Wont eat much there either I guess, since my bf is the bestman I will not be seated next to him. I already had a sneakpeak while helping them to get the place ready yesterday, so I know I'm seated at the kids-table (They didn't want kids at the party/dinner but one couple could not get a babsitter so their kids are coming). Sure, it's not really the kidstable but the only table with kids, and since I'm 10 years younger than the others.. I also asked her like 6 months ago to put me at a table were I atleast know someone, she told me sure and now I know I haven't even met ONE of the people at my table.. Fuck. I'm going to feel like such a freak and be all alone. Hello anxiety!

I'm not shy, I'm actually sort of outgoing but this really sucks. I'm actually thinking of calling P and tell him I'm sick.. Why the fuck couldn't she just have put me next to someone I know?! These people will think I'm fat and hate it more than I do.

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