Monday, July 11, 2011

I'm sorry!

I apologize for my absence, but I've been busy eating.. This weekend I've been eating like a fat ass, and this morning I'd gained 1 kg since friday morning. Right now, it's just 0.5 kg (with clothes) so I dont know.. Got a lot of food in my body too. Done a lot of walking friday and saturday, so I gained like all of it yesterday. Horrible.

Today I was back on track, had an amazing workout but fucked up on food in the afternoon.. Like 500 calories, so it's no real emergency. I'll eat a lot of salad and only a little bit of dinner making it a good day anyway. Visited a friend today, her mom said I look a lot skinnier, "like you're disappearing".

 My next "official" weigh in will be at sunday instead of monday next week because I'm leaving Sweden and wont have a scale. Wont be able to blog next week either, I will not be able to sit in private with a computer.. I'm thinking of doing a work out scheduale (lol, I really suck at spelling and P'll be home any minute so I dont have any time to check it) for next week, I think it would help my motivation while I'm on vacation.

He's home now, got to go! I'll read and comment later!

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