Wednesday, July 13, 2011

making this better than yesterday

A gain again. 0.3 kgs. I'm on this stupid platau thing between 176 and 178 lbs and it feels like I've been on it for ages. I will succeed today. I'm cleaning our apartment, going running and doing laundry - I dont have time to shove food in my mouth all day.

I felt like shit when I got off the scale this morning, but after reading your blogs I felt a lot better. You have progressed, so can I. You have set backs, but you rise again and so will I. We are strong and able to reach all our goals. We're in the same boat and are able to help each other.

And you know what? If it was easy everyone would do it.


  1. I ttly agree :)
    If it was easy everyone would do it :) And I am sure you will do better today..

    Oh and it you need extra workout :P Feel free to come and do our flat too :P hehhe

    Just joking ;)

    Take care of you

  2. You're right, we can totally do this. You have already lost a lot of weight so sure you can lose more. I'll be going on vacation too next week, so let's make these last couple of days good, so we can feel good about ourselves right?
    Good luck :)

  3. I believe in you! It took a good month or so for me stop stop bouncing between 173 and 176, so I feel the pain.

  4. wow!

    you lost so much since I last commented on your blog! By the way sorry for my absence, I feel bad about missing your progress and not being here. but I'm so proud of you!

  5. Absolutely, that sounds like a great idea. But I’m not sure I can keep it, I usually gain on vacations with my family. But I will try! When are you leaving? And for how long?
