Tuesday, July 5, 2011


I'm sort of in a gaining phase, apparently. It doesn't even seem to matter how small amount of food I poison my body with. Havn't been doing any work out stuff since friday, though. Lazy fat girl. I'm going for a run right after this. When I get back home I'll read and comment, I've been giving priority to getting fat.

I've got 3 kg to "normal" BMI right now. How did this happen? I'm breaking this shit right now. I've got less than 2 weeks left until I leave for my relatives, I'm going to have a normal BMI until then. I'll eat lots of salad and cup a soups. A small amount of dinner and lots of exercise.

Need to go outside and clear my mind.


  1. You can do it Baby,
    I belive in You.
    Stay Super Strong.

  2. Maybe you could try low carb - its been doing wonders for me. I am down around 7 lbs sicen Friday.

    Gl on whatever you decide to do hon.
