Wednesday, July 27, 2011

broken record

Today was not a great day, but not horrible either.

1 dl diet yoghurt for breakfast (35 cal)
Tunasalad for lunch (~250 cal)
Pasta Carbonara for dinner (~400 cal)

Dinner was not planned, but at least I wont be hungry again tonight.. And I've spent 2 hours walking around downtown helping J find a gift for her bf. And almost an hour riding my bike downtown, to another friend, and back home again.

Tomorrow wont be that great either.. It's P's mothers birthday = there will be cake and stuff. I'm thinking no breakfast, no lunch and no dinner and have coffee, one small piece of cake and one small cookie (because I know I will have one) over there and making friday awesome.

And I feel a lot better today. Dont know how I'll feel about it tonight, but right now I can handle it.


  1. 685 calories? That's not so bad.

    Good luck staying on track! =)

  2. I agree with nichole, that was good!
