Monday, July 25, 2011

back, but not on track..

So.. I'm back again! Home from vacation and thrown back a couple of weeks in weight.. I just got home and had a small weigh in, + 3.5 kg.. But I sort of just ate and I've not been able to go to the bathroom in a couple of days so I guess it's about 3 kgs that I've gained. Fuck. Back to overweight. I'll take laxies tonight and have a "official" weigh in tomorrow and changing my ticker. Starting tomorrow I'm on a liquid diet which means consuming 1-2 dl of diet yoghurt in the morning and 1 cupasoup for lunch and 1 for dinner. I'll also have diet soda, coffee and tea if I want. I'll do this hardcore till saturday, because I'm attending a wedding and I'll have to eat normal food. Then after that I'll continue with the food plan.

I feel shitty for gaining 3(?!?) fucking kilos in ONE fucking week. It's not a surprise because I've been eating a shitload of food and drinking a lot of alkohol (every day!!!). I actually think I've been drunk at some point every day, lol. Had real fun, even though we lived in a shitty house (with 2 other women 3 friday-sunday) that had a gigantic leak in the kitchen. I'm also pissed at my dad, and am seriously thinking of not talking to him anymore.

And I've loved my brothers girlfriend since they got together 3 years ago, now she's turned into a real bitch. I fucking hate her. Criticazing me all the time and walking around in, at first, a thong and a bra, and one evening even without the bra! WTF??!!?! Okay if she had some panties that covered her butt and a bra, because that would be like a bikini, but when she even took her bra off.. I do NOT like it when she stands infront of MY boyfriend, TALKING to him in only a  black lace THONG?! He didn't care but he admitted it was a little fucked up. I'm not the jealous type but that crossed my line.. Think this trip ruined our friendship pretty bad, and my brother's taking her side. He just tattoed "family comes first" on his chest, yeah right. Fuck them.

So. The trip was sort of not that great. I really liked meeting my grandpa for the first time since 2009 but I fucking hate my family. Cried my eyes out a couple of times.. I'm just so fucking sad, angry and disappointed. Think all the eating have brought me down too.. Losing weight makes me happy, I should just continue with that.

I've missed you all so much.


  1. don't worry, i did worse than you, I gained 3 fucking kilos in 3 days!
    i don't know how the fuck it happened.

    yeah, that girl is really weird. Maybe she saw that you lost a lot of weight, she's jealous, but want to remind you and others that she's skinnier than you... or something... that's all I could think of!
    (I'm not saying that your're fat and that you will never be thinner than her, because you will!)
    btw, she's skinny, right? because otherwise, my theory is fucked up,and I don't like to be wrong ;-p

    now, let's loose those freaking kilos!!!

  2. Aw, so sorry to hear that you are having difficulties with your family.
    Those are always the worst. :(
    Your brother's girlfriend sounds rather screwed up in the head.
    I hope you get things figured out with your family.
    I would not worry too much about the gain.
    It was a holiday, and you are bound to gain during those times.
    I gained seven lbs. when I went on holiday.
    You will lose it in no time, I promise!
    Hope things are going okay for you.
    Welcome back, I missed you!
    Stay positive, stay beautiful! <3

  3. Welcome back..
    OMG!! what a bitch.. who the hell does she think she is doing that lol.. Ugg..
    Nvm the 3.5 kg.. you will lose it again :)
