Tuesday, October 4, 2011


In: 1667 (OMG)
Out: 373
Net: 1294 calories
So.. Had chinesefood with my parents today at lunch. Buffet.. It's "cinnamon bun day" in Sweden today, so P and I bought a bag of 5(!!!) big ones.. Ate 2 each and I feel like I'm going to be sick. Have to kick ass at the gym tomorrow to make up for it. And not eat that much, ugh..

Morning weight was 69.3.


  1. At least your net isn't too bad. And as long as you make up for it, it shouldn't cause any problems. I usually try to average things out either the next day or over the next few days.

  2. I agree with Kes. :) As long as yo do average it out, it would be fine.
    You live in Sweden? Sexy. x3
    Cinnamon buns have that kind of "if you eat even one of them after a meal, you get sick" because of just how sugary it is sometimes. Then again, I'm just thinking of Cinnabon cinnamon buns.
    Wish you luck for tomorrow! <3 At least your scale is moving. Mine is so stuck at one weight. *ugh* xD.

    -Sam Lupin

  3. It was cinnamon bun day???? Hmm.. I didnt know that :( I have been craving cinnamon for weeks now.. I could probably have it on everything atm! hehe
