Tuesday, October 18, 2011

44 hours

Morning weight was 68.3, and 68.3 when I got home, ?? after my binge and 68.3 after the purge. Reading Kittys comment about her fasting ending up in binging and purging in the middle of my binge. I went straight to the bathroom and I hate to purge. Tried my toothbrush (I'll start brushing with a new one tonight) for the first time, but I had to stick it so far down my throat that I hurt myself (apparently, I'm bleeding now) and I didn't really get anything up. Started too use my fingers but I dont think I got it all up.

44 hours of fasting. I think it's the longest I've been and I wasn't really hungry. Dont even know why i started too eat when I got home from school today. Maybe it's because I was in school all day, or because I hadn't been eating for almost 2 days. I'm not beating myself up over it, anyway.


  1. purging takes a lot of practice i'm guessing. i just now found a better way to purge. i use my stomach muscles mostly, so i get to just stand there and hope for the food to make its way through. for me, toothbrushes and my fingers work the same way too - they will get up a bit of food, but it also depends on how much water you drank. when i purged out tea, i drank about two bottles. much easier that way and i spray perfume at the back of my throat (gross but totally works for me).
    ^__^ great job, love. 44 hours is not anything to be keen about! i say this as i finish off 96 hours but still remain unsatisfied. gah. nothing makes me happy. maybe when i break my record of 131 hours...maybe... hmm. i really want to fast for a week. finished off 4 days. what's another 3?
    and great job! so i'm .2kg fatter than you. xD. crap weight doesn't want to go down faster!
    i think i don't remember that i need food. all i feel i need is 19+ hours of sleep. xP. strange? yes. but nice. really nice. i like it.
    also, i'm going to bed right now! 9:24PM. i'm such a loser. but am so tired. it's like i haven't slept for days (mind you i slept like 9 hours).
    i'm hibernating. xD.

    -Sam Lupin

  2. Oh honey :S

    Please do not get into the purging thing.. It is horrid... Do not try it.. Do not think about it.. Do not do it..

    It will fuck your body in so many ways... and the bleeding is one of them...

    Du har jobbet så hardt.. Du har trent og passet på hva du spiser og du har klart å gjöre såå mye.. Du trenger ikke tips om hvordan du skal kaste opp :S eller om hvordan det skal gå til.. bare ikke dra den veien..

    Begynn å trene igjen på ordentlig - og pass på hva du spiser og du klarer de få kiloene du har igjen smertefritt..

    Jeg kan si med et hånd på hjertet at det er ikke verdt å gå den veien..

    så snälla dig.. ta vare på deg selv.. det kanskje er et trend her å dra det lengre enn de andre men det er ikke verdt det...

