Monday, October 17, 2011

Sweet monday

No counting calories this weekend. Good thing because 1. I dont know the amount and 2. I dont want to know. Scale said 70.1 this morning but 69.7 when I got back from the gym (and I drink a lot at the gym) and I'm on my period, so I dont know.. One thing I know is I'm fasting today. Water fasting, thinking of making it a 2 day waterfast too. Or maybe I'll fruitfast tomorrow, I'll keep you updated!

Had fun at my party. Ate a shitton (including like ½ a cake because I had leftovers yesterday..). Had tacos before we started to drink and oh my god, my stomach started to act fucked up. Had a stomachache ALL night saturday, which made me a little less pumped for the party. Was really stressed about the party too and friday night we spent 2 hours at the ER because P's stomach had been hurting for 2 days.

Yeah.. I'll make this week great. I will behave ALL week. Sunday we're about to change the tires on my car, so it's lunch at my parents house. I know what we're eating and I've already decided how much I'm allowed. I want to start losing weight again, it's been a +-0 on the scale for too long. More dicipline, Mia. I cant get lazy because people are telling me I'm a lot thinner. Still fat and I want it OFF.

Hope you guys are doing great. I'll read your blogs later because right now I really have to study..


  1. i know that feeling. gah.
    ...gahh. fasting. i'm fasting too. 70 hours. and i've been exercising too! *fucking gasps* i have this sudden idea in my head that i'm only allowed food after 10 hours of exercise. guess who didn't reach 10 hours of exercise? *raises hand* but that's okay i guess. i've got all day to try and burn as much as i can. i've been actually getting up to exercise. :S...back to the obsessive exercise.
    yum. half a cake. i want. xD.
    ^__^ woot. behaving!
    i totally understand you, girlie! let's do this! ...and sleep more. *is so damn tired*

    -Sam Lupin

  2. Oh boy can I relate! LIke oh I look good, I can eat a bit more today...
    Cut to a week later and all the weight you lost is back-FUCK

    I bet you aren't fat though. You've lost so much, you must look incredible!

  3. fasting makes me really cranky :P and I ALWAYS tend to end in a B/P session after .. So no to fasting!

    You will get it all off.. Dont you worry..

    oh and I agree with Sam ^^ You are a gym junky hehe - <3
