Friday, October 14, 2011


Hello darlings. Yesterday I didn't eat all day. Had a huge salad at dinner but that really set me off on a small binge.. Ate pastrys right from the freezer, haha! Must have done something right, anyway, because I went from 69.4 kg back to 68.7 kg. I do not complain.

Today I wont eat untill dinner too. I guess. I'm going to my parents house (mom's going to dye my hair) and they will probably have bingefriendly food at home.. I will get there before they get home, by the way. My body's really sore, so I wont even go to the gym today. The sky's all blue (even though it's freezing) so I'm thinking about taking a long walk at my parents house to not fuck this up.

Hungry as hell right now. I probably need water.


  1. eating pastries from the freezer, love? xD
    i notice one thing about binging. when i binge, i just want food in me. sometimes, i just stop myself and say 'SAM ENJOY YOUR FUCKING FOOD IF YOU'RE GONNA BINGE'.

    i'm also as hungry as hell. getting some tea soon! <3
    -Sam Lupin

  2. joining the hungry/sore club here...

    Add some cranky to it- and you got me...

    And it IS freezing.. wtf is up with that :( its mid October only :(
