Sunday, October 9, 2011


Morning weight was 70.6. I'm on a huge binge right now. Since friday. Gained 2 kgs and I will eat like a fat person today too. My stomach is really swollen, it looks like I'm pregnant. And hey, I think I'm about too have my period too, even though I'm in the middle of the chart.

I want to take laxies tonight and fast tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. i have been on binges too. my binges are really weird. i'd eat like pasta, bread and peanut butter then fast. then repeat cycle. pasta binging. then fast.
    breaking that! 24 hour fast (i usually binge if i go over 36), so eating tomorrow at 6-ish and eating eggs! that's the plan. oh, and tofu.
    =( i hope you feel better though.
    at least it's not that bad, love! whenever i approach the 60's, it gets fucking hard for me to lose. *sigh* as i end up in cycles of b/p, or in my case usually binge/starve.
    oh! exercised for 31 minutes today. xD. burned 230! i'm no exercise bulimic, but i've done it! :'o made the pasta binge afterwards feel better...and now, at 5 hours without food. 19 more to go! then i can eat sweet glorious food. *is a fat bitch*. i know i am :D

    -Sam I still luffles you Lupin
