Friday, June 10, 2011

Story of my life

I'm at -13,5 kg again. I'm now exactly were I was last Friday. This weekend I will not fucking gain 3 kg again (and I'm not having my period again so it will not be that hard).. I've been on a 30 minute walk/run today. My condition suck, I can run like 100 meters.. Fuck. But I'm taking this running thing seriously so I'm giving up smoking. I'm planning to go for another "run" tonight.

I've not been eating anything yet today. But I'm hungry as hell so I'll do a workout at home after this post. P will be gone all night, so I don't have to eat anything at all. I probably will, anyway.. I don't want to eat either, because I'm quite sad today, because it's a year since I graduated high school with pneumonia.. I missed my fucking graduation which is a really big thing for me. I'm still fucking crying over it.. 

It rained on my graduation.. Today the sky is really blue and it's really hot outside. What? No, I'm not bitter! Ugh...

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