Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Only 1,2 kg left until my BMI is "normal"

I've lost 0.8 kg since yesterday?! I got my period today, so was some of it water weight? How long does the water weight stay? I've lost more than 1,5 kg since monday morning! This is.. great. I ate a large ice cream yesterday too (my first one this year, I usually have that one in.. march?)

I'm going out for dinner with a friend tonight. I'm thinking fish, if they got any. I'm fucking craving fish right now, haha. I'm saving all my calories till then. She got young kids so this is the first time in like over a year we're going out together, just the two of us. And she is my best friend so it's about time.

In 10 minutes I'm going to meet up with another close friend, and I just took a shower so I'm on the couch in my underwear. Maybe should get ready.. I've been working out and been cleaning all morning, so thats why I haven't been reading and comment on your blogs. It's coming, I promise!

Think positive and stay motivated! <3


  1. yaay for that :D you will get rid of that 1,2 kgs in no time.. :)

  2. Wow, I cannot wait until I am that close to a normal BMI! :D
    Good job, love!
    Keep up the amazing work.
    Stay positive, stay beautiful! <3
