I might lose weight today if I stop eating now. Visited my grandma today and she really forced me too eat A LOT today (at the same time she was telling me how great it is that I'm losing weight..). I overheard a couple of old men talking about how "big" I am. Well, one of 'em said I was big while the other one said that I was normal.. I would have done anything to be skinny and hear about how skinny I am instead of how fucking fat I am. That's why I'm starting a new diet tomorrow.
I used to read a blog that contained a lot of diets, but that one's closed down (?) so in lack of inspiration I'm doing a week of raw foods only. So, I'll only eat raw vegetables and fruits for a week. It's a lot easier for me to stick to a diet/meal plan if I know it's just for a number days. If I can eat less than 1000 calories a day everyday it's a lot easier for me to fuck it up.. Are you guys the same?
Tonight I'm going to write down a food plan exactly what and how much I'm going to eat everyday, including how many calories it contains. This also means I have to do some food shopping tomorrow (I think we have some lettuce and a tomato in the fridge..)
Ugh.. I feel sick! I've been eating both Ice cream AND blueberry cake today.. Not huge servings but the sugar still make me feel ill..
Yeah, I do a lot better if I know I don't have to stick to something for very long. I'm sorry your grandmother made you eat a lot. I hate it when that happens. It's like geez, let me eat what I want.