Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Turn me inside out

I saw a pretty new number on the scale today. I'll be good today so it shows an even prettier number tomorrow (when I see my total weightloss of the 10 day challenge).

Last night things got a little bad between me and my boyfriend (I'm gonna start call him P). My brother is having some.. issues that I talket to P about. I got the feeling that P kind of talked bad about my brother so I got really hostile and I ended up sleeping on the couch. I texted him a heart this morning, and he said "I love you too, but it seems like we have more of these days than the ones where we are happy" and he wants to talk tonight. I dont think we'll break up but i'm still going crazy about it.

I've never had those kind of feelings for another person. Like, all of my previous relationships ended on the day 1 of trubble, for P and I, I want to fight. I love him a lot even though he hurts me like hell without even noticing it sometimes.

Today I'll be starving. I'm a terrible person who needs to be thin. Maybe If I'm happy about myself our fights will come to an end. A perfect day to study, maybe it will take my mind of food and P.

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