Saturday, April 16, 2011

I want to fit into my favorite jeans again

I've gained 0,5 kg since yesterday, but I guess it's because I still got the food in my body. I ate more dinner yesterday than I have been eating for a day in over a month, I got really full and couldn't even have tea last night. I felt like I was going to be sick and that feeling didn't leave my body until like 11 am today. Still under 1000 cals (got 70 points), so it wasn't that bad anyway. Dinner was all I ate.

I also got into a fight with my boyfriend yesterday. I told him that I dont feel appreciated, like, I did clean the whole apartment and he didn't even say "thank you". What the fuck?! But this morning he said "You know, I love you" and it's quite a big thing because it's like the third time he say I love you to me, and we've been dating for 2 fucking years in 2 weeks. It only sucks because he told me because he feels like he have to.

I know he loves me with all his heart, and he feel like he dont need to tell me but shows it instead. Sometimes it's just so nice to hear it, you know?

1 comment:

  1. Talk to him about it darling! Talking it out isnt a bad or horrible thing...

    I am sorry about the nauseous full feeling. It sounds like no fun. I would have probably purged it because I hate feeling too full and it would have bothered me immensely but that is just me.

    Keep thinking thin!!
