Friday, April 8, 2011

It's friday. I always gain in weekends.

I'm so fucking pissed right now. A girl in my class is really fucked up. I said something and she disagreed and got all angry or something, acting like a fucking bitch. At first I was in some kind of chock, I was so not prepared on that reaction, but then I really had to bite my tongue not to start to attack her (by words).. I've got real trouble to act all happy and that I like people when I dont. If I dont like you - you'd know it. And she is so ridiculous, I only said that soccerplayingmales makes more money than soccerplayingfemales because they got more sponsormoney because a lot more people watch men do sports. Is that really something to get that fucking upset by? GAAAH. Bitchbitchbitch..

Sorry guys for complaining and being such a bitch (lol), but I had to get that out of my head. And foodwise this day sucked to. I've been eating like 600 calories today.. And it's like 3.20 pm.. BUT, I will drop that now. I cant do anything about what I have already been eating, but I can shape up and stop eating so fucking much.

Now I'm going to do a 30 min powerwalk to my friend (and 30 min back home later). I will loose weight.

Stay awesome people.

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