Wednesday, December 14, 2011

why is 24 hours so little time?

I'm 65.1 kgs. I really hope to see 64-something tomorrow.. 5 kgs left. My ribs are more noticable. I'm still a pile of fat, but somedays I'm actually quite satisfied. BMI is 20.5, not that bad, huh?

Saw a really fat woman at the gym today. I wouldn't have reacted on her if she had clothes her size on her.
She, serioulsly, showed like 15 cm of her stomach, because it was a gap between her pants and t-shirt. I'd guess she had a BMI like 50 or something. HUGE belly. Made me REALLY motivated, and that was my whole point, haha..

My stomach still hurts when I run. Yesterday I did fine and there was no problem, but today I had to get of the treadmill. I fucking hate that. Burned only 230 calories in cardio..

I have to prepare for laundry now, I hope I got the time to catch up with your blogs later

1 comment:

  1. hi!
    it's been awhile!
    i see that your weight loss is sill going well! 30 Kilos! you're amazing!
    somehow i missed talking to you!
    and i got the same problem with my hair, i'm losing a lot!
