Thursday, December 15, 2011

thank you for your support

Hi guys!
I started reading blogs yesterday but I could not leave comments so I stoped and will try again when I'm done with this post.

Morning weight was stupid 65.0 kgs this morning. I had like 500 calories and burned 300-400 at the gym, and only dropped 0.1 kg?! Stupid body. Today I've had 2 crackers with low fat (creamy) cheese with tomato and red onion on them (100 calories), sausage with mashed potatoes and shrimp salad (600), a clementine (35) and 1 cup of coffee and 2 cups of tea. AAAAANNNNDDDDD no exercise. Do I have to tell you I wont eat a "proper" dinner? Thinking another couple of crackers and some tea..

Tomorrow will be another terrible day. I'll fast all day because J and I are making hamburgers in the evening, having lots of boose with it. Our men are out eating christmasbuffets, so we're taking a girlsnight.


1 comment:

  1. hi!
    yeah i'm coming back!

    i can't stop the b&p alone, and i only got you all to help me ^^

    isn't your boyfriend suspicious of your "bad" eating? You lost a lot of weight in a short time, and the hair loss is a well-known symptom of anorexia!
