Thursday, December 29, 2011

Hi girls!

I'm 66.9, well I was this morning. Fucking Christmas and all it's chocolate.. It's coming off quite fast though, because I've made a foodplan of 400-800 calories a day, + a minimum of burning 300 calories. I will fuck up saturday and sunday (new years = boose and 1st = hangover), but all the other days untill we're leaving january 14th. I will not "diet" while we're away, but I'm not going to overeat, make the healthier option and walk a lot. Cant wait untill we're over there!

Thursday, December 22, 2011


I wont weigh more than 70 kgs when christmas/new years is done. I wont. And after new years till we're going on our vacation (14 days), are P and I are on a diet. I dont know which one I want to do yet, but I think I'll decide next week. Cant wait!

Took laxatives last night. My body did not respond, and I'm not even using them often?! Stupid body, never does what I'd like it to!

Had a bowl of yoghurt this morning (100?) and then nothing until dinner which was chinese food! +34523524624525 calories! Burned like 600 calories today at the gym so I hope I wont gain..

Off reading and commenting!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

sorry for disgusting information

I'm 66.0 kgs, but I have not been to the bathroom since thursday, so I dont know how much I really weigh.. 800 calories yet today, and I have not been having dinner yet. Thank god P dont need a lunchbox tomorrow so I dont have too cook = I can eat low-cal. And I walked to and from class which burns about 300 calories.

I've been very emotional for a couple of days, craving everything, my boobs have grown like twice its size and I'm not about to have my period. I hope it's just some hormonalimbalance and not a pregnancy.. I'm sort of scared because I dont think I could go through with an abortion, but I'm in the middle of college..

What else? I'm irrataded at most of my friends. I dont know why. LOOOOTTTSSSS of thinks to do at school..

Now: Supersize vs superskinny and youre blogs!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

saturday rant

Hi girls!
Had really fun last night. Got really drunk, hehe. Had 3/4 of a burger, 0.5 cup of fries, 4 crackers with cheese, 1 bottle of whine and I think 5 or 6 ciders and 1 piece of bread when I got home. Accidently droped a 1/4 glass of cider in a bar, haha. While talking to P's brothers friend. He also appeared from nowhere with a chair when J and I got there, becuase I had nowhere to sit. With zero intentions, haha.

Another guy that actually had intentions was J's friend who came over before we went out. He kept giving me compliments like aaaaaaall night (he've met me when I was fat, so some of them was about of my weightloss) and asked for hugs and stuff. He even asked me if i could cheat on P, and when I said no he asked "Not even a kiss?". Yesterday I didnt really care but today I got sort of angry. Wtf is wrong with people who tries to get into not-single-persons pants?! Okay if they are inlove or something, but this guy was only horny! And why the fuck did he think I would cheat on P?! I would seriously hate myself forever if i fucked things up with P. If you havn't noticed P is awesome and I really love him. Like for real. Like 2,5 years in our relationship I still get butterflies in my stomach everyday.

Got home around 3 am, went to sleep around 4 and wakeing up at 6.30 in the morning with a serious hangover. Had to take some painkillers and was in a horrible mood. Felt soooo sorry for myself, haha. I feel fine now (12 hours later) and I've eaten 1/2 a pizza and some candy. I will eat more candy and 50 cl of non-light soda while wathing Rango with P in a while. I've not had non-light soda since we were in finland last summer, and I had one, before that it was like.. march I think. When I started dieting.

I want to end this post with: YOU guys are amazing. Really. I dont even think you know how awesome people you are. I wish all of you lived next door with me so we could hang out, haha. The support I find in you is incredible <3

Thursday, December 15, 2011

thank you for your support

Hi guys!
I started reading blogs yesterday but I could not leave comments so I stoped and will try again when I'm done with this post.

Morning weight was stupid 65.0 kgs this morning. I had like 500 calories and burned 300-400 at the gym, and only dropped 0.1 kg?! Stupid body. Today I've had 2 crackers with low fat (creamy) cheese with tomato and red onion on them (100 calories), sausage with mashed potatoes and shrimp salad (600), a clementine (35) and 1 cup of coffee and 2 cups of tea. AAAAANNNNDDDDD no exercise. Do I have to tell you I wont eat a "proper" dinner? Thinking another couple of crackers and some tea..

Tomorrow will be another terrible day. I'll fast all day because J and I are making hamburgers in the evening, having lots of boose with it. Our men are out eating christmasbuffets, so we're taking a girlsnight.


Wednesday, December 14, 2011

why is 24 hours so little time?

I'm 65.1 kgs. I really hope to see 64-something tomorrow.. 5 kgs left. My ribs are more noticable. I'm still a pile of fat, but somedays I'm actually quite satisfied. BMI is 20.5, not that bad, huh?

Saw a really fat woman at the gym today. I wouldn't have reacted on her if she had clothes her size on her.
She, serioulsly, showed like 15 cm of her stomach, because it was a gap between her pants and t-shirt. I'd guess she had a BMI like 50 or something. HUGE belly. Made me REALLY motivated, and that was my whole point, haha..

My stomach still hurts when I run. Yesterday I did fine and there was no problem, but today I had to get of the treadmill. I fucking hate that. Burned only 230 calories in cardio..

I have to prepare for laundry now, I hope I got the time to catch up with your blogs later

Monday, December 12, 2011

Long time

I'm 66.2 kgs. I'm been eating really much these past 1,5 week. I'm about to start counting today, because I really want to lose these last kgs. I'm walking to class today, even though they say it will rain by the time it's done.

Tried my old shorts yesterday. Those from last summer. They actually fell off my body when I didn't hold them.

And I will stop smoking. I got like.. 7 cigarettes left and when they're gone I'm done. I dont want to be that person, and I really dont feel like doing it anymore. I've been doint it for 7 years and I'm done.

I need to get going.
I miss you guys.

Thursday, December 1, 2011


Hi girls!
Morning weight was 65.6. Awesome or what?! I'm sort of back in the zone, even though I bought my favourite white bread yesterday. I dont think I will binge on it anyway. Lived on 3 cups of coffe and ½ a piece of blueberrypie all day, so when P and I were shopping grocerys my body was shaking like it was -50 degrees.. P talked me in to buying the bread, I think he's worried.. I know he is. Well, it's only 5.6 kilo (at first I wrote calories, and could not for my life understand why it looked so wrong) left.

Today I've been eating probably about 600 calories and dinner it yet to come. I'm making it, so I can make it pretty low cal. It'll be no working out for a couple of days now. My throat's all sore.

I'm sorry if you're disgusted by (my) feets.. But this was what my scale showed yesterday morning. I stood there, smiling to myself. 666, like the devil you know? I'm so fucking lame, haha! :)

Favourite thinspo of the moment