Wednesday, February 1, 2012

whats up

I gained 4.2 kgs during my vacation. I lost 1 of them pretty quickly, like a day or so, but the rest is stuck. But you see, 5 days after we got home I got a cold wich I suspect makes me retain water. I'm starting too feel better now, but I got my period yesterday, so yey for more retaining! Ugh.. Yesterday I was 65.8, this morning I was 66.3. I had 1200 calories yesterday and can not gain 0.5 kg off that. I decided to increase my intake to 800-1000 while I'm ill, hoping to get well sooner, because I've been really ill. Cant wait to get back to the gym, even though J still wants to go with me.. Right before we left,  told her I'd lost more weight and you know what she said? "You will gain it back during your trip anyway". Like what the fuck?! How bitchy doesn't that sound?! And now she decided to weigh less than me, when I go faster on the treadmill, she do to. I dont get why she sees this as a competition? Okay if it was a friendly one, but she just comes off as really aggressive..

Anyway. I wont post the progress pic. It doesnt feel right when I got fat again. I didnt even want to post before I was at least below 65 again. I dont feel that bad about gaining while we were away, it's the not losing since we got back that sucks.


  1. Hva faen!!! that is such a bitchy comment! wtf.....
    What's happening with our socalled gf's/bestfriends lately.. Did they all catch the bitch bug?? ...

    Regardless of that :) welcome home :) hope you had a great time, and that you enjoyed your vacation.
    I think it is really smart of you to up your cals while yours recovering. and you know what? That "j" can suck it- you have lost over 30 kgs - those four will be off before she can even look at the scale ;)


  2. 4.2kg will be dropped then my dear. you dropped them once, so you can drop them again! :) and hey. like you said. you dropped one quickly and water retention. gah. we understand that so badly.
    that fucking whore.
    hmm. <3 gaah. but you will lose. we're sure of it! :D still pretty close to your goal. my goal is like...too far away. xD.
    -Sam Lupin
