Sunday, February 5, 2012


Hey guys. Sorry I've not been reading or commenting your blogs. I've got a shitload of stuff to do at school right now and my energy has been real low. Weight sucks but tomorrow I'm starting to follow a foodplan again, with 38 days until it's my 1-year-diet-anniversery. I want to be 60 by then, so it's about 6 kilos that I have to lose. It will be hard because I got 3 people's birthdays coming up and valentines..

Still a little ill, but tomorrow I'll hit the gym. I want this off. Now.


  1. 6 kg in 38 days? - you can do it :) I love having the small goals and challenges - it makes the whole thing easier.

  2. 6kg in 38 days? totally doable, buttface! gear on! <3
    we can totally do this. i can probably lose like a kg in that time though. fucking guests and relatives.
    -Sam Lupin
