Friday, March 25, 2011

you have to fall down to get back up

So.. Me and my boyfriend made waffles today.. I'ts waffleday in Sweden.. I did'nt eat too many, did'nt count them either.. and from now on I will shape up and I will not eat anything more today. Tomorrow I'll try to eat as few calories I can with my boyfriend at home. No binging.

I did'nt gain anything since yesterday. Hope I'm still the same tomorrow. I cant wait till this foodthing is a routin. Workin' out already is, but I'm so tired nowadays so I bought some energizing pills so I can manage to work a little harder. They also contain a lot of vitamins and stuff. I hope they work, would be awesome.

1 comment:

  1. Good job not gaining love!! I hope the pills help too!!! I have gotten to the point where it is hard to sleep... Oh body... why cant you just lose the weight and NOT have the damn side effects... lol
