Thursday, March 24, 2011

I think I need some really good thinspo

I wanted to fast today. At least till dinner (and only eat a little) . But after I had spent 1,5h at the gym I went to my friends place and of course they had pancakes. Pancakes and waffles is my weakness, and I told myself to have only one, but I ended up with 5 of them in my body.. That was like 3 pm and I am still really, really full.. Stupid stupid stupid. I hope all those calories I lost at the gym will make me loose weight anyway..

Yesterday I took a "before" photo of myself. It was not a pretty sight. When I've lost 30 kg I'll show you.. I'm really lucky though, because my boyfriend also want to eat healthy. That means we dont have anything that has a ton of calories at home, and I wont be tempted to ruin my body anymore.

This i me when I was 20 kilos lighter.. Still not thin enough..
I'm fatter laying down right now, than I was standing up back then..
Fuck! Really good thinspo for me though..


  1. don't worry, it's the begining. It took me time before I could resist to yummy things like pancakes. And 5 is not a lot, 1.5 at the gym is good enough to not feel guilty!

    lol I thought your picture was a 'real' thinspo picture. You looked really good!

    I'll put a picture of me when I reach 115-120,and I got pictures of me at 150, but I don't think I'll ever post them!

  2. Stay strong love! One day will not hurt. Take it one day at a time and try harder every day. Think thin thoughts. Remember quotes every time you fee weak and do something to occupy yourself. You will get there. My favourite quotes that keep me strong are:

    "If you want to be thin you have to have control."
    "Thin is a taste all its own"
    "Pain is only as real as you allow it to be"
    "What nourishes me also destroys me"
    *"Quod me nutrit, me destruit"*
    "You can always go further than you think you can"
    "Hunger is a feeling, Thin is a skill."
    "Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishments"
    "You must act as if it is impossible to fail"
    "Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels."

    They are also on a recent post on my blog.
