Wednesday, November 7, 2012

another wednesday

A couple of good days. A bad day. A couple of good days and a crappy weekend. This shit make my weight end up +/- 0. But I think I've lost a little weight since I got back to the gym. I think I look a liiiiittle less like a fat pig and I've got some of my lost musclemass back on. Yey for muscle momory! Yesterday I introduced my parents to the gym. Apparently I'm an inspiration even though I've gained some of the weight back. On the other hand, they are both really overweight so maybe it's not that strange.

Today I've eaten (it's 4 pm) a big bowl of yoghurt with some stuff in. I'd say it contained 350 calories. Probably less, but I rather count it as a little more. I also went to the gym. Walking for like an hour to get there and then home again, ran 35 minutes on the treadmill and did 30 minutes of weights plus 20 minutes of stretching. 1000 calories of this body, MHMMMM! I got bad hungerpains when I was walking home, but they passed before I got home. I'm still a little hungry, so I made tea for "lunch" (yes. at 4 pm). I'll have to eat something for dinner later, but that's okay.

I actually had to google how to spell wednesday (to be sure I did it right, and I did!). Wikipedia said it's the fourth day of the week, and I was like, wtf? It took me a few seconds before I remembered USA (and maybe other countrys too?) start their calanderweeks with sunday. Sweden start it with monday, döööhööö (with"ö" it's a more funny way to pronounce "duh"). Anyway. The point is: what an ugly spelling. W E D N E S D A Y.

And I might have cheated at collage.. We're doing a groupthing and we might have done something that's not allowed, without even thinking it could be cheating. Someone in our class decided to tell our professor (what are we, in high school?) because she heard another group did the same thing and now it's chaos in my class.. Half of us is really against it, and half of us is like "you don't even know what these people were doing". Funny think, that girl that snitched say she didn't care. MHM, RIGHT. And they are basicly saying that the people who did this are worthless, and then they say that these people should stand up for themselves?! Made me lose a little hope for humanity.. And YES, we're behavior science students. Why care about researching facts, make a good social climate and not judge others? Our last course was about this and we have done 2 out of 3 years! YOU SHOULD KNOW THIS (Yes, I'm yelling Sammy! ;) ) YOU STUPID BITCH.

I dont think it's a big deal since it doesnt really effect our grade (that's why we didn't think it would be cheating), but if it is a big deal, I could be suspended for a minimum of 2 months.. CHAOS guys. If the teacher asks us about this we just have to explain (that girl said she didn't name anyone when she talked to the teacher, so I guess our teacher will talk to everyone).

We're examinated on how we're leading a professional conversation and how good we are at active listening. We, in my group, talked about our papers that were up for discussion, before the actual seminar. The content of the papers is irrelevant during the seminar (and we couldn't change them when we talked, because we've already handed them in) so I dont really see the harm in talking about it.

Long ranting post.. I applaud you guys if you read all the way here.

I'm ending this post with some thinspiration. I hate this girl but she's got a great body (just a little too untoned).. And YES that was her halloween "costume" that she posted on her blog and went out drinking in..

1 comment:

  1. shit. bowl of yoghurt sounds as sexy as fuck~!!!
    132.0 pounds. it's nice to see that some people strive for goals like yours. ^_^
    ouch. 1000 calories sound like shit.
    YELLING. actual yelling. omgosh. some blogs are just THIS IS HOW I TALK ALL THE TIME. and im like: fuck you whore.
    yeahhh. some bitches can be bitches.
    costume? where's the clothes?
    not that im complaining. she is hot.
    -Sam Lupin
