Monday, November 26, 2012


I was 72.6 this morning, but with both food in my stomach and a insanly high intake of salt, I guess it's a little lower. Anyway. Fasting today (except for a splash of milk in my tea and some lemonjuice in my water) to redeem. I also went to the gym burning 1500 kalories, so tomorrow I will se a loss. Hopefully a big one. The energy is the only upside of eating like I never would see food again. Or was it my PWO? Anyway, I could just keep going at the gym all day.

I love mondays. P goes, for the most of the time, out with his co-workers on mondays which leavs me home alone until 9pm. That means I can eat what ever I want, or simply skip eating. I'm not even hungry today, but my body is sort of upset. One minute I'm freeeeezing and suddenly I'm warm as a whale. My face is insanely red.

I went out saturday. Did haschish (I dont even know if that's what you call it) even though I six years ago promised myself to never ever do it again. I took two small whiffs and I almost didn't feel anything. It could've been the nicotine effect from the tobacco. I'm so ashamed and I cant understand how I could be so stupid. I'm beating myself up so badly about this and I didn't even get high. And I'm superparanoid as fuck and hesitates about posting this.


  1. We all make mistakes, and at least you know it was wrong. I smoke pot all the time lol Good luck with fasting! I don't plan on eating more today, just a grapefruit maybe.
    You're a BEAST at the gym, girl! I need to sign up too but I will wait till new years. One reason is that they have good discounts on the year membership, and another is that I will be broke once I go Christmass shopping.

  2. I used to be all about rules too and I need to go back there. I think that the fact that I stopped being like that, just makes me miserable. I haven't really done anything but weed and I don;t feel bad about weed at all. I just need to stop for a while so I pass my drug test when I find a job.

  3. hey babe totally nominated you for an award thing (i'd say more but i have a test in like 40 mins and i didn't study):

    -Sam Lupin
