Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Kind of a rant

So. I've just stopped following a few blogs. More than half of all the blogs I used to read either had been inactive since 2011/early 2012 or, as most of them, deleted. Especially one of those who has deleted her blog, Alana, made me really sad. Her blog had been inactive for a while but shutting down her blog.. It's so.. final, you know? We got kind of close and she and eve were really supportive to me when I first started this blog. Made me happy when I felt like shit and I care about them so much, even though I have like zero contact with them.

But this was not supposed to be a sad post. I've done great today. Eating that breakfast, a medium sushi and an orange, been walking for 1.5 hour, doing the elliptical for 30 minutes, killing my legs at the gym for 20 minutes and strech for 15. I started to strech in june/july-something and my flexibility has increased with like 100%. I'm proud as hell, haha.

Ugh.. My mom just called. Invited me to lunch with her and dad tomorrow. At some pasta-buffet-place. I hope they have a whole lot of salad.. Saturday P and I are celebrating my birthday with my friends and next weekend we're going on a friday-sunday cruise with my brother and his girlfriend. So easy losing weight! Or not.. If I go to the gym as I plan, I should be sort of fine though. Burning 1000 calories a day should balance at least b-dayparty and lunch this week? I hate eating while I'm drunk so I hope to keep the eatingcalories to a minimum..

Now I'm off painting my nails! Take care!
(and if anyone have a great blog to recommend, dont hesitate!)


  1. xD. ah! awesome intake, loaf. and ugh. i have holidays coming up and i'm so scared to go down only to put it all up again. that would suck hairy donkey balls.
    but i know what you mean! a lot of people are in fact inactive. :(
    and ahhhhh.
    i do believe it'll be routine. today, i was just planning out everything. its nearly 2PM and i want to eat 8-9-ish today. maybe 10ish at most. i had 104.4 calories in liquids, and for that one meal, i wanted to have 1/4 L of French onion soup (52.5), 30g of paneer to put in the soup(90), and oatmeal (224). which would come out as 471 if i behave (470.9 to be exact). xD. im thinking of swapping the cheese to an egg. maybe i can spare both. so that means my intake might go up to 548.9 which is still nice. hmm.
    xD. i just gave you a whole rant about my thought process. damn me.
    nothing more to say! i'm in med school. i think that's a bit important. xD.
    -Sam Lupin

  2. Great intake!! I really hate it when people just stop posting (I'm guilty of it) but I know how horrible it can be when your reading someone's blog then all of a sudden nothing! Hope you can find some awesome blogs to follow, I usually google new ones!
