Wednesday, October 31, 2012


I'm doing really bad. I wanted to redeem myself after the cruise, but I think I'm getting sick or something, because my energylevel is like zero. Today's the worst day yet, I was supposed to do 1 hour on the treadmill, I could handle 25 until I had to stop. I had to run intervals because I could only run 2 minutes without stopping and my pulse was in the roof! Tried lifting weights, but after 20 minutes of doing reaaaaaally bad I decided to go home. I almost didn't hade the energy to walk the 2.5 km home. It took me 45 minutes.. And I ate a HUGE breakfast, so it was not because some lack of nutrition. It's like 650 kalories burned. I guess I've been eating around that too.

Had fun at the cruise. Ate and drank like a fat pig, but I had fun. We had sun almost the entire trip but it was like 0*C in Helsinki so it was pretty cold.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

That went well..

I've been eating totally fucked up.. And that's why I havn't been posting. I forgot to tell you that I were going to lunch with P's mom last thursday, so I ate even more shitty.. I've been working out though! Friday I spent 50 minutes on the treadmill (intervalls) and 30 min with weights. Monday I spent 65 min on treadmill (intervalls) and 30 min dumbbells and yesterday I did 25 minutes running om the treadmill, 30 min working these legs and 16 km walking around outside. This morning I was  160.5 lbs. I'm doing 50 min on the treadmill today and 30 min working my core.

Since were going on a cruise friday-sunday, I'll work out monday-thursday this week. I'll not have the time on friday. I've promised myself to eat well until friday too, which I'm doing. At least if you look at the calories, yesterday I had 4 sandwiches (3 with 28% fat butter and 10%cheese, 1 with 2 eggs) and 3 "balls" of (light) icecream. Lost 0.5kg!

It's 8 am over here so I better get started with my paper!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

another day

I am so hungry it's insane. Plan: no breakfast and tons of water before I go to lunch. I'll run to, and probably from, the gym, no other cardio while there and doing core for 30 minutes. What else can I do on this day of stress? I've got lunch 11.15am, and then I'm meeting up with my brothers' girlfriend at 4pm and I wont be back home until 8.30pm. And I need to read a book for school too.

And hey, I'm 160.5lbs today. Time for a PWO and getting dressed!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Kind of a rant

So. I've just stopped following a few blogs. More than half of all the blogs I used to read either had been inactive since 2011/early 2012 or, as most of them, deleted. Especially one of those who has deleted her blog, Alana, made me really sad. Her blog had been inactive for a while but shutting down her blog.. It's so.. final, you know? We got kind of close and she and eve were really supportive to me when I first started this blog. Made me happy when I felt like shit and I care about them so much, even though I have like zero contact with them.

But this was not supposed to be a sad post. I've done great today. Eating that breakfast, a medium sushi and an orange, been walking for 1.5 hour, doing the elliptical for 30 minutes, killing my legs at the gym for 20 minutes and strech for 15. I started to strech in june/july-something and my flexibility has increased with like 100%. I'm proud as hell, haha.

Ugh.. My mom just called. Invited me to lunch with her and dad tomorrow. At some pasta-buffet-place. I hope they have a whole lot of salad.. Saturday P and I are celebrating my birthday with my friends and next weekend we're going on a friday-sunday cruise with my brother and his girlfriend. So easy losing weight! Or not.. If I go to the gym as I plan, I should be sort of fine though. Burning 1000 calories a day should balance at least b-dayparty and lunch this week? I hate eating while I'm drunk so I hope to keep the eatingcalories to a minimum..

Now I'm off painting my nails! Take care!
(and if anyone have a great blog to recommend, dont hesitate!)

get your act together

I did sort of good yesterday. Grandma decided to make me dinner too, but I ate in moderation and I'm now 161.5 lbs. I guess some of the weight yesterday was waterweight.

I'll soon be leaving for school and I just had a breakfast of 400 (probably 300something, did not weigh it) calories. I'll walk that of to and from class. I also plann to go to the gym today (OMG arms so sore from yesterday). I'm thinking skipping lunch means I get sushi for dinner. Sushi is my new addiction, haha.

Klaudia: Yeah, you should absolutly start your own blog, and you HAVE to give me the url!

Kitty: Thank you hun, been missing you <3

Monday, October 15, 2012

I'm back, hopefully..

This time I will try to really be back on here. It's really helping me losing weight, because when I stopped blogging, things went south.. So I've decided to start over. I'm back at about 163 lbs right now and I feel so incredibly fat. I took new "before" photos today but my official weigh in will be on fridays.

Today wont be a perfect start since I turned 21 last thursday and I'm going to my grandma's today with cake since she didn't come to my birthdaycelebration with the family yesterday. But I have not eaten yet today and  I dont know if I will eat more than the cake and a couple of cookies I made. I've already been to the gym today so I'll probably be fine.

I'm still with P, life's good and my body wierd (stomach's fucked up and weightloss really slow. I can fast without losing almost anything).