Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Day 1.

I decided not to do SGD but something the 10 day challenge until the 4th of May. I dont want to eat just so I hit a targetintake, I just want to keep it low. I'm aiming for 2 l of water, below 500 calories and at least an hour of exercise every day. I hit all these yesterday:
Breakfast: coffee - 0 cal
Lunch: proteinshake with milk - 121 cal
Dinner: white fish with broccoli, lettuce and cottage cheese - 253 cal
Snack: tea and 7 sugarfree candypieces - 45 cal
Workout: running and weights - 494 cal
Net: -75 calories

Scale said 69.9 yesterday morning. Do I have to tell you I wanted to shoot myself? I dont want to be in the 70's again.. Today I was 68.2 though. Safe. Also got my new diet/pwo-pills today. Maybe they'll help pushing me in the right direction..


  1. Congrats on the weight loss from yesterday. :) x

  2. Which pill did you get?

    And dw about the weight :) you will hit your target in no time!
