Wednesday, January 4, 2012


In: yoghurt (40), cottagecheese with quorn (128) and oatmeal (84). (total of 252 kcal)
Out: 727 kcal (gym and some walking)
I might allow myself a little fruitsalad later this evening. My period's killing me with binging! Yesterday landed on 1500-2000 calories and scale said 66.0 kg this morning.. All because of my awesome little period <3 Had some frozen chocolatecake leftovers from new years.. But I guess it could be because I ate both food and a couple of cookies at F's.. Second day of my bootcamp and I fuck up. Thank you motivation for making today a better day!

Do you want to know what I hate? When people criticize me for something and then go do the same thing themselves. Like J.. GGGGOOOOOODDDDDDD she drives me crazy right now. Totally hanging out to much! Anyway. She's always nagging me about not having breakfast. Last monday she told me she only had coffee, I told her "that's not breakfast", like she ALWAYS tells me, and she said "What ever, it's lunch soon anyway". Then she told me she didn't eat before starting to drink on new years, she always tell me it's reeeeeally important. Made me fucking pissed.


  1. Uh what a bitch! That sounds like my skinny sister in law! People like that really annoy me!
    Pot calling kettle black comes to mind!

  2. >_> that whore. i hate people like that. so hypocritical!!
    gah. period binging. i'm glad you got out of it. nice intake today, sexy! <3
    -Sam Lupin

  3. I hate it when ppl tell you what to do - and then you know that they suck at the things they bug you about...

    ugg.. the lovely period binges.. :S

