Wednesday, November 2, 2011

It doesn't matter how slowly you go, just as long as you don't stop.

67.9 kg. even though I ate twice yesterday. Happyface! Today I walked to school, down town, and home. Burned about 400 calories. Ate a pear for breakfast and a sandwich for lunch (had to stay after class with 2 others and work on our project) and I will eat dinner too. Thinking a little pasta and some quorn meatballs. No disaster.

Funny thing.. My stomach is a lot flatter. It's really noticable, I can see it. No real change on the scale, but clothes are still loser. I dont really want to eat right now, haha..


  1. Congrats, baby! <3
    You're doing so well, Mia, love.
    I'm strongly jealous.

    -Sam Lupin

  2. ooohh.. Must be the exercise effect! enjoy the flat tummy ;)
