Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Same old

So.. I'm doing pretty bad on the weightloss.. Either that or my scale is broken, lol. Still stuck on -12 kg. Maybe I've reached a plateu, but I've been busy these last couple of weeks (and still am) and havn't been able to work out as much as I'd like and I've been eating more than I should. Tried to keep it low in calories though.

This is my last week of school for the next 3 monthes, and I have no job to go to, so I'd like to work on my running skills this summer. I really hate being this fat.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

the sun is up

I've lost 12 kg. Not almost, I've lost it.

Today I have to go to school. Ate half a grapefruit for breakfast, skipping lunch and I'll have a small piece of dinner. I'm making a large pancake in the oven, most eggwites and skimmed milk, served with sugarfree jam. That will be fine. I counted how many calories I burn while doing nothing, and it was 1700-something so as long as I eat below that I will lose. And 1700 calories seems like A LOT. Especially since I'm trying to have a "high"calorie meal only once a day.

Mostly I cant skip dinner because I'm the one thats cooking at home and P will start to worry if I dont eat. He already is a little worried because I'm so obsessed with my weight and am losing it so fast. But I need to lose. I really do. My BMI is still higher than "normal" so I AM FAT..

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

whats new

Haven't been able to log on to blogger for a while, and I've been doing really well for quite some time now. I'm almost down to -12 kg, and I absolutely love it. I have too lose 20 more, but thats fine. I'm getting there.

Thursday - sunday I spent shopping in London. Tried really hard not to care about what I ate and it went pretty good. Gained like 0.5 kg. But I was sick, my tummy really hurt like hell all weekend so I couldn't eat that much anyway, and we walked around for hours and hours on Oxford street. Shopping is such a fun way to exercise!

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Thank you!

I'm so sore in my body today that I'm not going to work out. I simply can't. It hurts even when I try to sit down on the toilet, lol. But to balance it, I'm going to fast today. I also got some laundry and cleaning to do, that will be my calorieburn for today!

I went by car to school today, and apparently they were cleaning the street this morning so it had been forbidden to park there for 2,5 hours.. But I didn't get a ticket or anything so I'm happy. It's annoying though, that they raise the signs so late at night that I didn't even see it yesterday. Maybe that's why they were kind enough to not give me a ticket?

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Let's go

I've lost 10,5 kg (23 lbs) by now. And I still got 4 days until it was 2 monthes since I started. Now I'm aming for 11 kg, lol. But it's 'my time of the month' right now and I'm really hungry and crave chocolate..I actually had chocolate (207 cals) yesterday, but afterwards I went for a walk burning more then 400 cals.

Today I'll have a 300 calorie lunch, 500 calorie dinner and then like an hour of swimming in the evening.

Monday, May 9, 2011

I promise I will do a lot better..

At weigh in this morning I had gained 0.7 kg.. Now I'm down 0.6 of them again. I've had like 800 calories today (seriously overestemating) because I had lunch at my friends house but thats all I've eaten today. Tonight I went for a 40 min almost-power-walk with our neighbour, than did an intense 25 min work out when I got home. My ass is all sore again, lol.

Tomorrow I'll go up early, do a 30 min (at least) work out routine, then ride my bike to school (takes like 15 min) and then go for a walk in the evening with my friend next door. It's really hot (well, like 20 in celsius) in sweden right now so I'm not in a mood for the gym. I want to work on my cardio though..

I hope you guys are doing well!

Sunday, May 8, 2011


Yesterday I celebrated my dad at my parents house, they were serving bbq and I ate pretty much.. But it was mostly salad. Then we went to P's friends house to drink (celebrating his birthday too), I had like 1,5 bottles of white wine, some baileys and coffee, grapes, melon and like a cup of snacks.. But I went to the bathroom, purging, like 3 times to not ruin the days intake. It seems like it worked, because I'd lost 0.2 kg since yesterday morning when I stepped on the scale today. Guess all the work out have been raising my metabolism. Happyface!

Today we had take out for lunch. I ordered a small hamburger with fries, and ate like half of it. I guess that'll be all I'm eating today, maybe a cup or so of popcorn tonight, but nothing else. I got the official weigh in tomorrow morning, and I want to see a good number on it.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

I'm such a bad blogger..

I've reached my first goal. And I'm no longer sometimes above, sometimes below and sometimes right on the lb. I'm below. I've lost almost 9 kg since march 15, and I'm kind of proud. I'm going to London in exactly 2 weeks, and I will lose at least 1 kg. It would be awesome if I'd lost 10, even if i have 20 kgs left to lose..

Last friday I ate so much, while P and I were celebrating our 2 years together, that I ended up puking. I didn't put my fingers down my throat or anything, it just came natural.

Today I had:
breakfast: 100 cals
lunch : 100 cals
dinner: 300 cals

And I spent 40 minutes at the gym, 15 cardio and 25 doing weights. Than I worked out for 20 minutes when I got home. I bougt a work out-magazine that came with a kick-ass work out dvd. My body's all sore. I've gone 3 times to the gym this week, and monday I walked a lot so it was kind of a work out.

I'm happy.

Sunday, May 1, 2011


Yesterday I didn't eat till dinner, and then kind of binged.. Fuck. Gained. I'll try to only eat once today, and just a little. I'm fat.. I'm hungry. Maybe if I was thin everything would be alright?

Got into a fight with P yesterday, and it got so far that we started to talk about me moving out for a week or so.. We were fighting for 5 hours, so I was crying for 5 hours straight.. It was a really stupid thing too.. We're fine now but I still dont feel fine. I feel empty and tired. It's 2 years since we started dating today, and all I want to do is lay in bed, crying.

At least I could claim "no appetite" because of what happened yesterday..