Thursday, July 5, 2012

this will be a good day

Ednos Linny told me I could get the old blogger back, and I succeeded so now it's working again.

Anyway, I just got back from a 5k run. I need to start doing it everyday again. I eat pretty good, you know, healthy and all, but too much food combined with too little working out has made me gain. I wont start starving again, but I will eat less and work out like I should. 1000 calories seems like a great goal. I'll start drinking water like it's my job. Will be hard to do at my actual job, because we dont really have access to a bathroom that often.. I'll have to figure that one out.

I just realized I have a red birthmark on my arm. I'm freaking out right now, thinking it might be cancer. My grandmother has cancer (not severe or anything, but she've getting some removed) so I guess it could run i the family. I guess I'll have to get that one checked some day if it doesn't disappear.

1 comment:

  1. Oh lord, I just googled how to get it back too.. I HATED the new interface.. The old one was so much better..

    Nice job on the run :)

    Sounds like you have a good plan hon - GL with it..

    Dw about the mark.. Have a doctor to check it out.. It could also just be some sort of allergi reaction you know.. <3
