Thursday, March 20, 2014


I'm gaining weight. Right now i "restrict" (meaning 1200-1500 kcal nowadays..) on the weekdays and binge all weekends. I'm hungry and tired all day. Thought reading this old blog would help me get motivated again. I can't remember how i used to eat or work out.

I can barely run these days. I got shin splints forcing me to limit my runs to 3 times a week. I can't run two days in a row without wanting to cry because it hurts so bad. I blame my Nike free's. I don't think they work very well with the way i run (I run superheavy).

And something happened with me. I can't locate the exact time, but I'm sort of developing some social-issues. I'm so socially awkward and I never was before. I've been working at the same place since june, and it was this week I started to talk to anyone for more than 5 minutes. She said "you're actually really funny. I didn't think you would be like this" and I don't blame her. I rarely say anything and i don't recognize myself. I don't even speak to any of my friends anymore. I talk to my parents and P and I have to be social to the costumers at work, and that's no problem because I get into my professional mindset.

Today is "vegan-thursday". It's my second week. Thought that would be a good way to get my mind set on what I want to for the longterm. Just because I'm hungry, having a craving or bored I don't have to stuff my mouth with food. Food is fuel, and I just want fuel enough to function.